Hi there,
Well i was last night lookin gfor a new carry bag for my fuzzheads when low
and behold i saw this tiny little ball of fur all by itself, I asked why it
was not with the other fuzzies and was told no1 wanted him becauese there
was a problem with his hip.OK im a sucker!  i said ill take (i know not good
to buy froma pet store btu i couldnt just leave him there) But anyway i got
him home show my husband and it was love a first sight (thank god or i would
be in big big trouble for bringing home another one.) I took him to the vet
and they said it was not hurting him at all and that it could have happened
during birth or was born with it.  But he is still young (5 weeks )I dont
know how they were able to sell it so young but anyway he said it may just
work itself out.  But if it did not go back in place in a few weeks then he
will cut the ball of the ball and socket joint.  He said it wouldnt cause
any harm or disability.
We decided to name the new Panda baby Buster (Mo if u ask my husband) .  He
gets along great with my 2 pound sable male and sterling female.  He does
talk alot though.  Whenver he wants to be held or just playing or when u
leave him by himself.  He is just a doll.
I took my babies to the beach for the first time .  Ive never seen them play
so hard.  SAnd flying al over the place people to chase .  It was great.
Icant wait to take them again.
Nosey Trouble and busterMo
[Posted in FML issue 1914]