It seems I ruffled a few feathers(or fuzz as the case may be)with my post
about Iams kitten food.  And reading back over it, I can see why.  I worded
it very poorly and did not send forth to correct message.  What I intended
to do was tell about our situation and see if someone else had the same
problem.  I've used Iams kitten food for over 3 years without problem and
have been very happy with.  My main concern was whether not there might have
been a bad batch or something.  I didn't mean to put down Iams at all.  I
called Iams today about it(which I should've done from the get go) and they
said they have not had any problems or recalls on Iams kitten food.  I
apologize for any misunderstanding I caused and in the future I will be sure
that the brain is fully operational before engaging the keyboard.
But on a different note, I found yesterday that ferrets and toilets don't
mix.  Two seperate incidents taught me this.  The bathroom door is usually
closed when I let the Weezils roam, too many things for them to get into.
But yesterday for some reason I neglected to shut it.  Suddenly, I heard a
splash, followed by a silver blur streaking under the couch leaving a wet
trail behind it.  My silver, Insanity, had fallen in.  I found this
extremely amusing as he dashed about trying to get dry.  I few minutes
later, I heard the toilet flush.  My albino, Ricochet, had been trying to
climb onto the back of the toilet when he accidently pulled the handle,
thereby flushing the toilet.  I immediately realized how lucky I was that
their timing was off.  If Insanity had fallen in at the same time Ricochet
had flushed the toilet....yeah, you get the picture.  At best I would have
ended up with a ferret with a giant-sized swirly.  At worse, he would've got
flushed down to the sewer, grown to gigantic proportions, emerged and get
shot while trying to steal and hide a Volkswagen bug.(or maybe that's
alligators).  Whatever the scenario, not good.  Toilet seat stay down now.
Bathroom door stay closed too.  As far as I know ferrets aren't flushable.
Mike & the ferociously fuzzy four
Insanity-"I was just trying to get a drink when Ricochet pushed me"
Turbo-"You boys are always getting into trouble, us girl ferrets know how
       to behave"
Mr. Lugnut Chains-"Eh? Whatja say, sonny?"
"I never jest, and don't call me Shirley."
[Posted in FML issue 1914]