I have two ferrets. One is a 3 yo MF sprite named Roxie and the other is a
2.5 yo fixed male names Jake.
I am woried about Jake.  Let me give you some of his medical history.  I
adopted jake and his cagemate roxie last winter.  The shelter said jake had
just recovered from adrenal sugery.  The vet thinks he had it since a few
months after birth.  Poor baby :(   He was given a clean bill of health.
Two weeks ago he was give his annual distemper shot and was treated for ear
OK last week he started gagging and coughing.  Sometimes he would throw up
sometimes just dry heaves.  A lot of times he did it after eating.
Since he is shedding his winter coat heavily and he isnt a chewer I gave him
some KittyMalt hairball stuff assuming it is a hair ball.  He stops gagging
and throwing up when i give it to him.  But a few days later he starts up
His poops are normal,he is very active and is eating/drinking normally.
Now Roxie is doing it. SO she is getting Kittymalt too..
Could it be a flu?  My brother is sick and has been for two weeks with a
nasty stomach flu.  Could the ferts have gotten it?  If it is a hairball
how long will this gagging go on?
[Posted in FML issue 1913]