Re: Clickers
We started clicking to our ferrets when our first was a little kit.  He
seemed to like it better then other sounds or calls we would make.  With the
kind of sounds ferrets make, clicking seems sort of natural for them.  We
don't use a pen or any type of device to make the clicking noises.  It's not
that hard to make clicking noises with your mouth....and your mouth is
always handy will your clicking device may not be.  ;)
We don't really use the training method you wrote about.  But generally, we
use clicks in conjunction with rewards so our ferrets always respond to
clicking.  I'm sure you would have good luck in using clicks to train your
Re: Loki
>earlier, but I feel I have to clarify a bit.  Loki is as much a god of
>mischief as Satan is.  He is not some amusing trickster.  If you research
>him a bit it won't take long to find that he is truly evil, with no
>redeeming qualities whatsoever.
I disagree with this opinion of Loki.  Loki was the Norse god of mischief
and disorder.  The Judeo-Christain concepts of evil really shouldn't be
applied to him since he is outside of that belief system.  Loki lacked a
moral sense and this is *much* different then just being evil.  Loki's
talents were used for "evil" as well as "good".  Do a little research and
you'll find what I have said is true.  I highly recommend the book _The
Norse Myths_ by Kevin Crossley-Howland.
Since this is way off-topic for the FML, you can talk to me more about this
via email or on the newsgroup alt.mythology.
-kim, squirt (suffering from spring fever), pippi (our little fur-sprite),
 atlas (our only mythologically named ferret), and 'jinx (who's currently
 putting on a winter coat and fat)
Kimberly Burkard     |             _    Everything I needed to know in life,
Eastman Kodak Company|      _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
Rochester, New York  | ____/     \___/  Frolic and dance for joy often, have
[log in to unmask]    |<____/\_---\_\    no fear or worries, and enjoy life.
[Posted in FML issue 1912]