Hello FML'ers-
I feel that I must respond to JR's anonymous post in yesterday's FML.  I
would like to state that the Sierra Club to my knowledge has been opposed
all along to the legalization of the Domestic Ferret.  I remember that back
in 1995 they were opposed to SB 55 the legalization bill introduced by
Senator Quentin Kopp.  This was long before California Domestic Ferret
Association decided to concentrate their efforts and limited resources on
ferret rescue and Californians For Ferret Legalization to concentrate on the
legalization issues.  SB 55 was introduced long before CFL was created.  I
was always told that the Sierra Club opposed the legalization of the
domestic ferret due to unfounded fears that the ferrets would endanger
wildlife.  Again, this is what I have been told.  I have never directly
spoken with anyone from the Sierra Club, so I am not sure why they oppose
ferret legalization.
[Posted in FML issue 1912]