Dear Ferret Friends
We received a message this morning from EARS (Emergency Animal Rescue
Service) regarding the current situation and what is needed.  First however:
I want to give you the address to send the supplies:
                     Emergency Animal Rescue Service
                      c/o Grand Forks Humane Society
                      RR2 - Box 48
                      Grand Forks, ND   58203
Second, We have directions to the EARS Disaster recovery center for those of
you who are willing to deliver your supplies directly into the disaster area
and you will need clearance - please REMEMBER - this is a Disaster Area so
we will need certain information to insure our people get through (please
E-Mail me as I will need certain information: i.e. number of vehicles in
your party, names of individuals in the party, license plate numbers of
Now, for the message we received today "We desperatly need dog and cat food
but our most immediate need are chest high waders with suspenders.  We need
about a dozen pair, mostly in men's sizes.  The problem is that they can't
be bought in the area and those who have them are using them for other
purposes and not willing to lend them.  We need someone to bring or ship
them from out of town, but we need them YESTERDAY".  In this vein FFDRI
today made 39 phone calls (thank you AT&T operators for being so very
helpful - FFDRI will remain forever in their debt) all over North Dakota to
find said "Waders" - to no avail - it seems every disaster organization has
bought them up (as far as Mandan and Minot), we will try again tomorrow in
the states surrounding North Dakota (at this point I must ad - we called
"ALL" over North DAkota").  Also it was suggested this evening that I try
our local Fire Departments; since I am in Vero Beach, FL and it would take
at least 48 hours to get the "Waders" to them - anyone who could talk to
thier local fire department and beg old "Waders" from them to send to Grand
Forks - who is closer than I am please do so post haste!!.
The current situation: Grand Forks has been totally evacuated (100,000+
people), city and 10 surrounding miles under water.  Red River continues to
flood downriver and it looks like Fargo will be evacuated next.
EARS, HSUS, AHA, and other Animal Groups are in boats rescuing animals as
best they can (it's a dire situation!!) and evacuate them.  Animals are
being taken to shelter areas where they recieve medical care, food, water
and attention.
THE ANIMALS NEED OUR HELP!!!!  Please contact everyone you can i.e. Vets,
petstores, grocery stores, everyone and anyone you can think of.  Give them
the above address - no donation is too small - a bag of cat food, dog food,
a leash, a harness for a horse or cow , medical supplies.
As always you can E-Mail me at [log in to unmask], Phone number 561-567-0994.
I will send more news as it comes in.
Chere McCoy
Director Ferret Friends Disaster Response International
FOR  Gary H  - another message please send "round the world"
You know it, you've seen it in there eyes - It's time to be the type of
person your animal KNOWS you are.
[Posted in FML issue 1912]