I actually have an important request.  I need a copy of the article in
California Morbidity 1986 "Need for data on ferrets that bite, eat human
flesh, or develop rabies." The Interlibrary loan at MU can't seem to get a
copy.  What I need is a copy of the original, entire, not a repaginated
version.  Can anyone help?
A second request if for whomever wrote me about an archaeological find of
statues which a ferret-like animal on the head to please resend the
reference.  I stupidly saved the mail to my hard drive without notating it,
and with 576 messages saved last month alone, it will be hard to find.
Assuming the post was mailed to me last month.
Finally, the most important request of all.  I am on the mailing list of
about 10-12 ferret shelters/clubs, and get I don't know how many newletters.
Please don't take offence, but lots of the stuff is rather goofy and not
much interest, but the rest is actullay quite good and informative.  Some of
the stuff is seen of the FML, and a lot is not.  The problem is, it is too
expensive for the average person to join or subscribe to more than a few
each year.  In the meantime, lots of really good stuff is only distributed
locally, or at best, regionally.  A lot of the stuff never makes the FML
because computer people such as ourselves, are not in the clear majority.
I have plans to change this situation with a new publication to be called
the "Ferret Business Digest." This magazine will be distributed free for
electronic subscribers, and at cost for print subscribers.  At the moment,
and for the immediate future, it not accept ads; however, it will have page
for want ads from clubs and shelters; not individuals.
The publication title explains the purpose and goals of the Ferret Business
Digest (copywrited title).  I want to take this wealth of information found
in the newsletters published by clubs and shelters, edit them, condense
them, and ship it out for all to enjoy.  Sort of like a Reader's Digest, if
you like, but about ferrets.  This magazine is neither a competitor to nor a
replacement of any existing ferret magazine, nor of the FML, nor any
existing newletter.  I consider the digest to be a supportive supplement to
all of these publications.  It is completely non-profit, and except for
mailing costs (which will be an envelope with stamps affixed), will accept
no monies of any kind at any time.
As stated, this is not a for-profit venture.  To work, it requires the
dedication of a crazy person who scorns money and free time (myself), and
the cooperation of the various shelters and clubs.  In short, you send me
your newsletters, and I will send you the best of everyone's newletters,
with bylines to organization and individual.  Additionally, the digest will
include a monthly schedule of events, up to a year in advance, for all
organizations that participate.  So at a glance, you can see what going on
with any ferret club or shelter across the USA.
I anticipate the digest to include: digested (that is, edited) news, tips,
stories, alerts, jokes, etc.; a schedule of events; shelter or club want
ads; a description of the clubs and shelters that particpate (with contacts,
dues information, meeting dates, etc.); Ferret Forum- an invited guest
debate on various issues (oh yeah, another copywrited title); and a ferret
advice column.  At first, publication will be trimonthly (4x year), with the
goal of reaching bimonthly (6x year).  I also feel to emphasize that this
publication has no hidden agenda or political goals.  Personality or
politics will not be a part of this publication, so clubs that are on
opposite ends of the continuum can participate without worries of
manipulation or editoral comment.
These are the possible benefits.  A shelter in Podunk has a surplus of cages
and have two money raising events scheduled for the next year.  They join
Ferret Business Digest, send in the newsletters, and get the Digest in
return.  In the Digest, their events are published well in advance, some of
their local news gets national attention, and other organizations and
individuals can learn of their excess cages.  Additionally, they have access
to a nationwide source of information.  You can print the digest out (or
have a printed copy mailed to you) for your club or shelter's library.  So
for a tiny cost (mailing a copy of your newsletter to my PO Box), you get a
lot in return.
I feel this fills a gap that exists between magazines, the FML, and
newsletters, and I hope it gets the support from existing clubs and
shelters.  For individuals to subscribe to the electronic version, simply
send me an e-mail with the header "subscribe." If an individual wants a
paper copy, email me and I will notify you when the Digest is ready to ship.
For clubs and shelters to subscribe, simply place me on your mailing list,
and notify me by snail mail or email.  You will get both the e-mail and
paper versions (no mailing costs--you pay yours, I pay mine).  As I get the
newletters, I will edit the puppies together.  I am shooting for an inital
publication of June.
Bob Church
POB 1988
Columbia MO 65205-1988
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[Posted in FML issue 1891]