My precious Thunder has been found after NINETEEN DAYS!!!  A woman in a
nearby town had seen his picture and reward sign which I posted at a garage
sale.  She mentioned it to her husband.  He knew someone who said their own
children had kept a ferret they had seen someone put out of a car on a
interstate 5 miles from here.  She called them and they wanted to keep him
instead of return him.  They had had him for two weeks when this kind lady
prevailed, they relinquished him to her, and she called the local paper to
get my number.  (I'd had an ad in the paper too.) This wonderful lady drove
to town today just to bring him to me and she refused the reward!!!  He is
has lost weight but seems healthy.  He was happy to see me!  And HE'S
I just wanted to pass on the good word and say thank you again to all who
wrote to me with suggestions and offering hope.  Thank you, thank you, thank
Scotty in Abilene
[Posted in FML issue 1911]