Hi Everybody!
Just thought I would keep everybody posted about Shelby.  She was diagnosed
with liver disease and we're just trying to support her and hope she'll turn
around.  She's being given subcutaneous injections 3 times a day and the
amount has just been increased to keep her from being dehydrated.  She's
very nauseous and has bad diarrehia.  She's still at the vet.  We've been
going to visit her on a regular basis.  I keep hoping for some good new.
The vet has to force feed Shelby because she won't eat on her own although
she'll drink her water by herself.  The past 2 days the vet tried oral
antibiotics and Shelby kept it down.  Thank goodness.  Our poor little fur
ball, she looks so miserable, I keep hoping for a miracle.  Well , thanks
for listening out there, maybe if everyone thinks positive thoughts we'll
get through this.  All 12 other furballs are doing great, getting into
mischief and doing what comes naturally.
Bye for now,
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[Posted in FML issue 1909]