This is in answer to Julie's question about cleaning her ferret's ears.
First of all do not use H.Peroxide, it makes their ears itch.  Use a mineral
oil.  The kind they sell for baby oil will do fine.  Also do not put it
directly in the ear.  When you get ready to clean their ears get several
Q-tips (however many you think you will need) and moisten them with the oil.
Squeeze out any excess.  Scruff your ferret and gently clean around the ear
using a twirling motion.  I don't try to clean inside the ear canal.  They
still won't like it(my newest ferret still tries to nip me several times
while I am cleaning her ears and I get some head shaking from all of them
when it tickles) but this is the easiest and best way that I know.
[Posted in FML issue 1907]