Happy, Shiney, People!
Ferrets are now legal within the city limits of San Antonio, TX!  Can you
believe it (although I am still not going to vote for Bill Thornton for
mayor)?  Apparently, the city councils' change of heart had to do with the
rabies shedding study.  I would like for us all to take a moment to think of
the innocent animals who's lives were taken in the course of this study, I
will never forget their sacrifice.  To celebrate this exciting day, I am
going to take my weasles to Petsmart for the first time ever ( as soon as I
hear it is safe from our shelter people).  I am so happy I could pee my
A Ferret Owner in San Antonio, TX--
Maria Moreno
Ed and Gizmo (who liked being fugitives of justice).
[Posted in FML issue 1906]