....De-lurking for a bit of advice.....
I've been quite challenged by the ear-cleaning experience, and am looking
for suggestions.
About 6 weeks ago, we brought home two sweethearts, one of whom died of
distemper almost immediately :( But that is a different story.
About three weeks after coming home, I decided to clean Bandit's ears.  I
figured it wouldn't be much different than trimming his nails, so I
dutifully put a couple of drops of ferretone on his tummy and tried to put a
couple of drops of "ear wash" into his ears.  Well, even with the
distraction of the treat, he wanted NOTHING to do with that!  I wound up
having to scruff him and even then, it was a real challenge.
Of course, Ferret math caught up with us, and after waiting our 30 days we
brought home two more little darlings.  It's great to see them playing
together so quickly, but last night I decided to clean my new stinkys' ears,
thinking that was why they smelled so bad.  (we tried the bath idea, but
that didn't help at all)
Even scruffing them, it took both of us to get these guys' ears done!  They
were DISGUSTING, too.  I finally had to stop due to fear of irritating their
poor ears from the cleaning.  I'll wait a few days and do it again.
My question: what is the best way you've found for accomplishing ear
cleanings?  It's been the most traumatic event we've had.  I try to avoid
the ear canal directly, but that's hard when as soon as I try to apply a
couple of drops they start wiggling and shaking and trying to escape.  When
scruffed, their limbs are limp, but they still try to shake thier heads.  I
feel bad about making them suffer, but geez...
Thanks for suggestions!
     Julie & Mike (mom and dad)
     Larissa, Jennifer, Evan (human kids)
     Bandit, TJ, Aggie (God's sweetest creatures)
     Casey and Nox (kitty playmates)
[Posted in FML issue 1905]