Just to counteract the impression one could get from reading this list that
ferrets are all sickly, I'll mention that Pixxel and Rusty are both
farm-bred ferrets around 3.5 years old, we've had them both since they were
kits, and so far as I know neither one has ever had a sick day in their
lives.  I know their health will probably decline as they get older, as
indeed mine will as I do, but meanwhile I'll be enjoying their antics and
affection, not worrying unduly about the future.
- Pam Greene
Ferret Central <http://www.optics.rochester.edu:8080/users/pgreene/>
            or ftp://ftp.optics.rochester.edu/pub/pgreene/
            or send INDEX FERRET in email to <[log in to unmask]>
[Posted in FML issue 1876]