Wow - catching up after a full week away is tough!
>Kicking off the fun events, Lorraine Denicourt and BarbaraLee Baron held
>the tube races.  The winner of this event became MaFF's official mascot for
>1997.  Winner of the event went to Thor Goldman whose mom is Amy Goldman.
>Thor was adopted by Amy from Dick and Joan Bossart's 4 Little Paws Shelter..
Actually, Thor's last name is Andersen (Thor Andersen sounds much better,
and besides, Rolf named him!  :^) ).
Rolf and I are VERY proud of our guy.  Thor, being the modest ferret that he
is, doesn't seemed to be fazed much by all this attention.  In fact, he came
home and slept for the next day!  :^) He's earned some new nicknames
("Champ", "Mr. MaFFcot"), and I know that his brothers (who couldn't attend)
are very proud of him too.
(For those who have been reading here for a while, you may remember that
Thor is our ferret who has luxated lenses, and who had an eye removed last
fall.  He's still quite beautiful, and in fact, some people couldn't even
tell at first that he was missing an eye!)
Rolf and I really enjoyed the feast and frolic - a big thank you to all the
organizers and participants!
Amy & Rolf (and Odin, Thor & Loki)
Amy Goldman                      Voice: 617-663-4427
BGS Systems                      Fax:   617-663-4904
1 First Avenue                   email: [log in to unmask]
Waltham, MA 02254-9111
[Posted in FML issue 1876]