In yesterday's FML Mo' Bob writes (way to go Mo' Bob):
>"While in the CaCa state, I actually got into a huge argument with a lady
>CaCa Fish and Gestapo agent who wouldn't give me her name.  She knew me
>though; that's how it started-- I was talking about ferrets to some friends
>at a picnic, and said I was the Mo' Bob from the FML."
I don't know about you, but this deeply concerns me.  It seems the CaCa Fish
and Gestapo are monitoring the FML.  (Get a life!!) "She knew me though;
that's how it started .  .  ."
BIG, if this is true, is there some way to identify them and drop them from
the list??
To all the fuzzy fanciers in CaCa land, please be careful!!  I'd hate to see
the fuzzy police at your door because of some fanatical a*****e that works
for the CaCa Fish and Gestapo finding out who you are and .  .  .  (well, we
all know what they do).
Couldn't the money that they're using to hunt domestic ferret owners be used
in a more constructive way??
Maybe I'm a bit paranoid, and maybe I'm reading more into Mo' Bob's post
than is actually there (Mo' Bob??), but from the stories I've heard about
the CaCa Fish and Gestapo, I wouldn't put it past them to try to use the FML
against us!!
I hope to read soon that there is soon a California Ferret Freedom Day, like
there was recently in Massachusetts!!!!
     Tony and Nicky, Toby, Lucy, Kayla and Laruann
[Moderator's note: People have identified themselves as such... but my
feeling has always been that education is the best weapon here, and the FML
is a very good way to educate folks!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1875]