The little jerk, Worf ate the tassel off a bookmarker(cotton string).  Right
now he is spending the night at the vet, getting sub-Q fluids, and has had a
good syringe full of Laxatone stuffed down his throat, and a shot of
antibiotics.  He's sure not feeling like himself, He's gone from Velociweasel
to looking about like a Ferret stole, he wouldn't even take a raisin.  Doc
is hoping that he'll pass the wad of string by morning with the help of the
Laxatone and extra fluids.  Otherwise it looks like surgery around 8:30
tomorrow (3/18) am.  I really hate the thought of it!!  AAARRGGG!!!  What
makes these little farts eat stuff like that??
Oh well, please send good thoughts our way...... we sure need 'em. I'll let
you all know how things "come out" so to speak. (I think Mo' Bob is rubbing
off on me...bad puns you know?)
By the way Bob, WAY TO GO!! with the flush & Gestapo woman (I use the term
woman loosely), bring that tape to the anniversary party!!! It'll be a sure
Katie "I tried to tell him not to eat it Mom!"
Worf "My tummy hurts, Mom!"
[Posted in FML issue 1875]