>From:    KaylaD <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Too much for ME!
>Until I joined this list, I was convinced I would one day have another
>ferret in my life.  I never knew though, how common these tragic illnesses
>are with ferrets.  I joined the list to become better educated in all
>aspects of ferret care.  Unfortunately now, I realize I will never own
>another ferret.  With all the heatbreaking stories I have read...
Kayla, I know exactly where you're coming from.  In the past, I've
unsubscribed and re-subscribed to this list many times.  I'd read it for a
while, then have to quit because I couldn't take all the heartbreaking
stories, even with the good ones that balance it out.
When my Sidney died, I said "NEVER AGAIN!" I didn't think I'd ever get over
the grief.  I never felt so bad with the death of any of my other animals
and don't know why it affected me so.  Six or so months later, we adopted
Max from our shelter and not too long after that, Duncan.
Duncan (Punky Doodle) died on Thanksgiving Eve and once again I said enough.
We loved him so and I just couldn't go through this again, even though I
know that one day it will be Max we'll be grieving over.
Darned if 3 or so months after Punk's death, one of our club members (thanks
Tobi!) mentioned a little guy that needed a home.  So now we have Beasley
and here we go again.
Yes, it's heartbreaking.  But when I think of what a wonderful and happy
life I can give these guys... and what joy and happiness they give us, I
just can't allow those periods of grief keep me away from the little
fuzzbutts for long.
For the ferrets,
* Michael F. Janke - [log in to unmask]
* Member, South Florida Ferret Club & Rescue
* Shelter Home Page - http://www.bridge.net/~mjanke
[Posted in FML issue 1874]