Hi Everyone,
Well, by next Friday I will have a new legal last name and so I have created
a new screen name on my aol account for the occasion.  I know, my many
personalities have made my names a crazy affair, but it should slow down
soon.  The treatments are kicking in.  ;-) (joke, joke)
For the record my emails are:
Mo [log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]
On the homefront, all the gang is doing wonderful.  We had a few days of
spring weather so I opened up the windows and everyone got wired for a few.
The DEW gang are currently running around chuckling after being up all day.
They stay up when the mob of 16 are out.  But I have been getting plenty of
exercise chasing Mo' Pookie around (aka the Pookster).  She is quick and
loves to chase me and can duck away in a second flat.  It took her awhile to
trust me enough to play but know that she has...
They all got duck soup tonight.  I just take big bowls of it into the ferret
room for the mob and yell out "Good S**t, Guys" and they all come running.
I got bigger bowls but they still aren't big enough for all of them to eat
at once.  Oh well, they share rather nicely.  They also lick each others
faces off.  ;-)
I am visiting Houston next weekend.  So if you want to see me, let me know.
Although Noni does have a busy schedule for me.  Plus I plan on eating at
about 6 different restuarants.  I miss my mexican food, cajun food, fresh
seafood, and Whataburger.  Yes, Whataburger.  For all you Yankees it is a
regional chain that you can get eggs and jalepenos in the am and beef and
jalepenos in the pm.  Nobody up here understands what pepper is.  AUGH!
Plus I am going to stock up on herbs for the farts.  There is a great chain
down there called Whole Foods.  Last time I flew up here I had herbs and
supps for Mo' Bob and I thought I was going to get arrested for drugs.  They
did search my baggage rather well.  I thought they would get upset over the
baggies but I guess I looked ok.  Little did they know....I mean, what
ferret owner, especially 19 ferrets, is truly ok?
So if anyone is having trouble finding something let me know and we can work
something out.  This is where I find such things as taurine and powdered
vitamin c, or bottles of vitamin e (dropper, no capsules).  Makes it nice
for making my ds.
Mo' Maggie and the Marvelous Missouri Mob (what do you mean your leaving?
[Posted in FML issue 1873]