Hi Peoples!
I haven't been on this list too long, but wanted to tell you that I've
enjoyed some of the funny stories related here!
I was the proud sharer of this house I live in, with a beautiful pink-eyed,
all white fuzzy boy named Odie (short for odiferous.) :) He lived to the
ripe old age of 8 years, never being sick a day in his life till he came
down with cancer, and was put to rest on the recommendation of my vet.  This
was the first time I had experienced anything other then a natural death for
one of my many pets over my lifetime, and I was both nervous and
Odie was seemingly unusual for a ferret, in that he never, ever bit or
nipped anyone that I knew of.  He was a loving, kissy-face fuzzy boy from
the first day he joined my household.  He was a quiet guy, in that I never
heard him make any kind of sound.  He was a very proficient war-dancer
though.  We would take turns mock-attacking each other!  Like other ferrets,
he was the consumate explorer, never afraid of anything.  As expected, he
was also a very dedicated thief!  :) He loved ball caps, and would grab them
by the button on top and drag them off.  He also loved my hiking boots which
weighed probably more then he did.  That didn't stop him though, as every so
often I'd see him struggling with one of them, slowly but surely dragging it
off!  :)
The vet. let me sit with Odie for about a half hour, where I had my last
conversation with my big fuzzy boy.  I cried, and he kissed my face and
licked my tears.  At this point he could hardly move, but it was evident,
that he still loved me as much as ever.  :~( When the vet. injected him,
Odie was in my hands.  I was so surprised and grateful for the speed and
seemingly painless exit from his now painful existance.
Until I joined this list, I was convinced I would one day have another
ferret in my life.  I never knew though, how common these tragic illnesses
are with ferrets.  I joined the list to become better educated in all
aspects of ferret care.  Unfortunately now, I realize I will never own
another ferret.  With all the heatbreaking stories I have read, I know that
I don't want to ever again have to deal with what seems like almost
inevitable heartache.  I guess I am just not as strong as most of you seem
to be.
I love all of you!
[Posted in FML issue 1873]