Hello everyone!!!
This is our first posting to the FML, although we have been reading it for
about 2 weeks now and we've really been enjoying it very much!!  We recently
lost our dear little Toby ( sable hob) to lymphosarcoma on Feb.  19.  He was
18 months old.  It came as quite a shock to us.  It started out with some
coughing, kind of sounded like he was trying to cough out a furball.  We
figured that it was just a cold so after about 2 or 3 days we took him to
the vet for an exam.  She originally diagnosed it as a respitory infection,
but told us after finding a swollen lymph node under his arm that it was a
possibility that it could be lympho.  Well this was news to us considering
that we had never heard of this before!  For that matter there were a lot of
diseases we were unaware of, other than distemper or rabies.  Anyway she
gave us an antibiotic to try to fight the infection and after 7 days she
wanted us to bring him back in.  In the meantime his cough wasn't getting
much better, his breathing was worse and he tired easily.  His lymph node
was swelling more and the one under his other arm had started also.  We were
fearing the worse but kept praying that some kind of miracle would happen.
We took him back to the vet and as soon as she started to examine him I
could tell the look on her face wasn't good.  Apparently it had advanced
very rapidly.  She told us that the prognosis was poor and even with
treatment there was no gaurantee that he would survive.  So now we were
faced with the decision to prolong his suffering or to end it peacefully.
We decided to let him go in peace although it was the most difficult and
traumatic choice we ever had to make.  I don't remember ever going through a
more traumatic experience in my life.  First it was disbelief, then sadness
and despair, anger and finally numbness and emptiness.  Well you all know
what I mean.
We know that Toby can never be replaced but the joy and happiness he brought
into our lives is the most difficult to overcome in his absence.  We decided
shortly after that we try to contact local breeders in our area.
Fortunately with the help of the internet we found out about the AFA Expo 97
just 90 minutes away from home.  We met some wonderful people and have
decided to buy a pair of kits from Marty and Perry Gosnell of Teacher's Pet
Ferretry.  We are hoping to pick them up in about 2 weeks.  We are so
anxious we can't stand it!!!!!!!  I apologize for the length of this posting
but it was very theraputic for me!!
Before I go I would first like to thank Marty and Perry for your help and
kindness(see you soon!!!!) and to Steve, Cindy, and Jimmy of Dream Catcher
Ferrets for intoducing us to the FML.  Thanks for listening everyone!!!!
Our hearts, thoughts, and prayers go out to all of you who have recently
gone through this same experience.  We'll keep you updated on our new
fuzzbutts when they arrive!!!!
           Tracy " Maybe we can get three!! "
            Tom " Let's not get crazy "
         Nikita (spoiled cat) " OH NO!!!! NOT AGAIN!!"
[Posted in FML issue 1873]