I've noticed that my ferrets can not only see movement from a fair distance,
but they seem to be able to see stationary things as well.... We had one who
would stand on the floor across the living room from the fireplace, and
actually look around and plan his ascent to the mantlepiece!  It was
amazing.  You could watch his beady little eyes light on each box or chair
or whatever, in succeeding heights, and then he'd go for it--ending up on
the mantlepiece!  Then, of course, we'd have to "rescue" him, as he forgot
how to get back down.  heheh.
Also most of our ferrets have had nightmares/dreams at one time or another...
it's kind of disconcerting to hear whimpering in the middle of the night,
but they just need to be picked up and they go back to sleep just fine...
That's interesting about the eye color flashes... we had a ferret who was a
really dark silvermitt, whose eyes would gleam red in certain light----but
her brother's eyes glowed green... we had no idea why, and had never run
into that before.  It's good to know we weren't harboring demons from the
abyss... <G> and that someone else has noticed the same thing in their
Silk: "I am NOT a demon!"
Lynx: "yes you are..."
Drifter: "Yawn"
Muggsy: "AACCKK! Demons from the abyss!!! Levitate!!"
[Posted in FML issue 1872]