>You know your ferret is spoiled when you remove *all* of the cushions from
>the couch because he won't stop trying to eat the buttons on them.  Heaven
>forbid you should confine him to one room of play (not the livingroom where
>he wants to be) so that you could enjoy your own couch like normal people
Loki attacks any and all couch buttons.  This was a HUGE problem when it
came to a very wonderful expensive couch that my Mom gave me.  So I coverd
them up with masking tape.  Now Loki can't get her mouth around them or see
them and she totally ignores them.  Before she would throw all the cushions
away from the back of the couch to get to the buttons.
Of course, the fact that she got a hold of the bottons on my SO's mother's
velvet couch was traumatizing.  Thanks goodness she thinks Loki is adorable
and said "Oh I have some extras somewhere, don't worry about it." And she
meant it too.
chris and Loki
[Posted in FML issue 1871]