Hello everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself and "mom" as she is old
and new to the ferret world, me I've been here all along just waiting for
someone to love me.
Mom got her first ferret in California from (of all places) an illegal pet
store, mom didn't know ferrets were illegal until she had already purchased
the cute little 8 week old baby and fell in love (thought she wouldn't).
Anyway, after paying $230 for the little girl, she managed to keep her
hidden from everyone but close friends, that was one of her mistakes as 3
years later one of her "close friends" turned on her and turned her in to
the Fish & Game department.  Well "Bear-Bears" her little baby was fortunate
enough to be taken to the "Wildlife Images" in southern Oregon, she was then
brought up to the Portland area and turned over to the Ferret Rescue.  Mom
was heart broken and on top of it all she went to court and received a $210
fine.  That's where dad's famous quote comes in: "Lessons aren't cheap but
we all have to buy them".  So be carefull fellow Californians in who you
trust with your fuzzie friends, they may not be so lucky as Bear-Bears.  Mom
and Dad moved to Oregon a couple of years after that and got another ferret.
His name was "Bub", Another long story made short is, Bub had to go to
Grandma's to be ferretsat, while mom & dad went to California to visit
relatives, they were in a bad car accident and stuck in CA for 3 months,
Grandma couldn't deal with the smell and took Bub to the Ferret Rescue
(Thank God for Rescue).
This is where I come in.  Mom by this time is desperate for another ferret
(and why not :).  She is working at a vet clinic also.  A young man walks in
with a tiny skinny ferret, that's me :) and asks if we know anyone who would
like her as he no longer has time for her....Boy was that an understatement.
So of course mom takes me home, gives me lots of love and some good food and
then puts me in this little cage...well it wasn't as bad as I thought as she
only did it till she finished building my 3 story condo, I am a very happy
little fuzzie now, and I have lots of fun and love.
Well, it is now time for me to go to bed, so if any of you fellow ferret
lovers want to talk or have any advice on what not to feed me, and what make
the best toys, send an E-mail to mom, she would love to hear from you.
Love from always,
[Posted in FML issue 1870]