Mandy <[log in to unmask]> recently stated:
>She is a normal Sable, kinda small still, and VERY playful.  She has a bad
>habit of biting everyone, including me.  But I don't have a name for her.
>Can anyone suggest a good name, that isnt too childish?
Well, I don't have a suggestion *OF* a name...but here's a suggestion on how
to name her.
The way that all of my six (plus two waiting at the Rainbow Bridge) were
named is that they literally named themselves.
Snark, my first ferret, was only there about 1/10th of the time that my mom
thought he was "harrassing" her.  He was sort of a "mythological
beast"...and I'd recently re-read "The Hunting of the Snark"...he fit the
description, so he was "The Snark", or "Snark".  He died of a massive
malignant tumor...
Snipe was "laid back", hard to find if he was hiding, and enjoyed a short
exchange of "sheet shark" once in a while... Now he's just plain "laid
Schnitzell was originally named "Muse" because she was so cute and "petite".
Then she *WANDERED* (not crawled) through a toilet paper roll.  She's still
my little "hot dog"...<grin>
Tribble liked to play.  *A LOT*.  He'd be constantly making the "dooking"
sound that we all know and love...he sounded just like a tribble from Star
Trek.  He was too smart for his own good and snuck out of the house to be
run over.  We're a *LOT* more careful now, even though we were careful back
Tremor has a birth defect called cerebellar makes him shake
as if he had the ferret equivalent of "parkinson's disease".  We're from
California, so...
Satan was a "devel weasel" he's a "cute little devil".  He was a
*BITER* (then) 11 year old son cuddled it out of him...he's still
*EXTRA* playful though...
Karma was given to us and was already named, but her name fits her...she's a
rescue (Thanks again Troy!!!!!!) from Kansas, fated to come to Georgia to be
with me, even though she was slated to go to the friend who gave her to us.
The friend had fallen in love with Poof (the female we were sent on the
caravan East), so we traded.  Poof had been named because of her favorite
"passtime"...she wasn't descented, and if she decided that she wasn't in the
mood to be around you, she'd *POOF* at you.
Snake Pliskin (Snake for short) had a cataract in one eye.  It has since
gone to both eyes, and he's stone blind...but you'd never know it to watch
him play!  He was named after one of my favorite hunk characters from
"Escape from NY" and "Escape from LA".  And he's a *HUNK* of ferret,
weighing in at 3.5#...
Anyway, as you can see by my babies, they tend to name themselves in
different ways.
If yours has a distinctive mark (I had nicknamed one of the eight rescues
that stayed at my place "Star" because she had a beautiful white star on her
sable forhead...not much hair otherwise...she was getting over some kind of
cyst or something--my memory is the pits today), or a particular antic that
she enjoys performing for you (playing "dead weasel"..."sheet shark"...
"tag"..."hide and seek"...etc.), or a particular physical or mental
characteristic (ala Tremor's "tremors", Schnitzell's sveltness, Snake's
blindness, etc.), you might try naming her after that distinction.
You'll find half a million "Snowball"s out there among the albino
community..."Slinky"s, since they're rather bouncy like one, etc.  I
remember one named "Weezul"...many others.
I even heard them referred to as "Snarks" on the news once shortly after I
got *MY* Snark.
There's also a ferret name list somewhere on the web (I'm at work at the
moment, and my machine at home has the info but no phone line...<frown>).
Good luck!
Cheryl Mathison
[log in to unmask]
(using the account at work till I get a new home phone)
[Posted in FML issue 1868]