Once again I have access to the FML!!! YAY!
First of all I send my SINCERE sympathy to Steve & Colleen concerning the
loss of Zeb. . . having been through that a number of times (I've lived
with over a dozen ferrets over the last 15 years) I know how hard that is.
Second, a brief introduction to MY fuzzies: Drifter DarkWeasel (6y/o) who is
a very dark, almost black, sable some of you may remember from last time I
subscribed to the list.  Also now I have Lynx LongTooth and Silk SwiftPaw,
both about a year old.  They are free-roaming and LOVE to play with Muggsy,
the cat (16-1/2 y/o).  Muggsy, on the other paw, HATES it!  But he learned
to "levitate" a LONG time ago with the first fuzzy, Duke, and has perfected
the art long since.
I do have a question. . . Lynx's brother, ThunderBear, died at the age of 5
months from lymphosarcoma, according to the vet.  He (Bear) was "fine" one
day, and then spent a few days appearing to be "tired" more often . . then
suddenly his back legs wouldn't work. . . the next day we lost him.  The vet
didn't understand what could have hit so fast. . .the ascending paralysis
seemed to indicate developing lymphosarcoma, but he said it was unusual in
one so young.  And there was no evidence of any spinal injury at all.  What
I'm asking is, does this sound right?  CAN a ferret be born with the
condition?  And is there any way to tell before you bring him home?
One more thing to Mo'Bob. . . if you remember Drifter's hairless tail,
you'll be glad to know that he was evidently allergic to something in the
house -- shortly after I moved to my apartment, the fur on his tail grew
back lush and full and has remained ever since!  The vet says he's perfectly
healthy for a 6y/o.  And he's as dark as ever--getting darker with each
season's coat change.  Is THAT normal??
Glad to be back!
Otter, Drifter, Lynx, Silk & Muggsy
[Posted in FML issue 1868]