Hi all!  Well, after of month of peace Sherman seems to have decided that he
wants to drag our new ferret around by the ears/neck.....
I've heard of this happening from the start, but they have been getting
along wonderfully for a month now.  He's just started this, and I'm
wondering if it will pass, or if I should go ahead and seperate them.  Could
this be late dominance fighting thing?
It doesn't go on all the time....They sleep in the same hammock, and eat
side by side, but at times Sherman decides he wants Zoe on the lower level
of the cage, so he drags her there.  She doesn't "scream", it's more of a
loud dooking.  He's not drawing blood, and she doesn't seem to run away from
him or anything.... Just wondering if this seems normal, or looking for
advice to make him stop.
Thanks in advance for all your help...The people here on the FML are so nice
and quick to help out.
Chris-"Sherman! You're going to be the death of me!"
Sherman-"FIRE DRILL!  Down to the lower level!"
Zoe- " Do you mind, I was trying to take a nap! Let go of my ears!"
There's too much blood in my caffeine system.
Chris Green
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[Posted in FML issue 1868]