Some days I feel like I am owned by the fussiest fuzzy in the world.  I
thought I would surprize Loki and make her a hammock.  So I made her a nice
one and hung it in her cage, expecting that when I woke her from her nap and
placed her in it, she would be immediately overcome with joy and fall right
back asleep.  WRONG.  She looked at me as if to say "What the heck have you
done to my cage mom?" I tried to bribe her by putting her favorite
chick-chick there.  No deal.  She leapt from one side grabbed chick-chich
and tried to jump all the way across.  This didn't work of course because
the chick is pretty big and got in her way.
This morning I found Loki curled up directly under the hammie. Oh well.
And I've been in constant search for a treat for her.  She totally ignores
raisins!  She won't even give them a good sniff.  the only thing she goes
for is peanut butter.  And I've tried all kinds of things.  Fresh fruit,
dried fruit, chips, pretty much anything I've had in my hand to see if she
is at least intersted in it.  And nothing (well, with the exception of the
gummi thing she drug out of the trash!)
looks like I have my work cut out for me!
and Loki (what the heck IS that thing mom?)
[Posted in FML issue 1865]