Hello everyone,
I am finally back on line, thank god, I missed you all so much!  This time I
have my own computer at home so I think this will be my permanant (?!)
address.  Oh, I have also decided to stop using Rebecca (which I use only
when I am on line) when I am on the FML.  I have made too many friends here
who know that in real life I go by my middle name, Katlin.  I hope this
doesn't confuse people - at least Jitterbug and Monkey's names haven't
The girls have been doing okay, except Jitterbug got a little sick again.
She is on Flagl (sp?) and HATES it.  Monkey's coat has been changing - my
SO pointed out that the top of her mask now appears to have two little
brown horns at the top.  He claims that it is proof that she is the devil
incarnate.  I claim that it is proof that she has very show quality
markings.  At any rate it is an unusual pattern.
Talk to you all again soon,
Katlin, Jitterbug and Monkey
****  P.S. I need to get a hold of Trish from the Texas shelter if anyone
has her e-mail address.  Thanks.  *********
[Posted in FML issue 1864]