A while back, quite a few of you out there sent me (or Jackie Hawley)
recipes for a fund raising recipe book we were putting together to
financially help our shelter.
It has gone way past the expected release date, and I just wanted to let you
all know that your efforts were not wasted.  We're still working on it!  It
just turned out to be a little more involved than originally planned, and
quite a few more urgent issues got in the way.
Thank you all again for willingness to help us.  As soon as we have a
projected release date, it will be posted here and either Jackie or I will
send email to each and every contributor to let them know.
For the ferrets,
* Michael F. Janke - [log in to unmask]
* Member, South Florida Ferret Club & Rescue
* Shelter Home Page - http://www.bridge.net/~mjanke
[Posted in FML issue 1864]