Well, Friday's congestion has increased, so the vet has prescribed
"Predoral" (sp?) which they said should clear up her congestion in 2 days,
and if it hadn't, to call them immediately.  They said it was an
anti-inflammatory.  I must be spelling it wrong, because I can't find any
references to it anywhere.  Currently she's taking .4mg Trimethoprim sulfa
2x/day and .1mg prednisone 2x/day.  The congestion problems have gotten to
the point, however, where she clearly has problems breathing occasionally
and needs to 'clear the pipes' in a nasty ugly fit of hacking before she can
eat or walk around.
Anyway, Friday's mobility has increased and she's now moving around a bit
better.  I'm feeding her some duck soup twice a day (ensure/pedialyte/turkey
gerbers/iams kitten) and she's gulping that down in addition to her normal
food.  I believe she still may be losing weight; as of April last year she
was 800g and now she's 600g according to my scale (which might be
inaccurate!).  She's still only getting two play periods a day, and
occasionally I'll lock her up after an hour and let the other two continue
at it, as they're locked up with her all day.
Noodle's a joy.  Twice yesterday I knelt down to get something for Friday or
to sit and watch her and each time he crawled into my sweater and curled up
to try to fall asleep.  Opportunist.
Last bit of news: I have a new WWW page up at
and I think I have it correctly tested for MSIE, Netscape 2/3, lynx, and
Mosaic, although it's horribly ugly on Mosaic. From
http://www.us.itd.umich.edu/~squirty/hp/pets/index.html you can get to
http://www.us.itd.umich.edu/~squirty/hp/pets/recipe.html which is
the Duck Soup page I said I was collecting recipes for.
If those URLs are wrong, bonk me on the head. :)
I'm still collecting recipes - please mail them to me!!  And any suggestions
or corrections any of you have to offer, they will be considered, made, and
 ___ Melissa Litwicki __ [log in to unmask] ___
 By the whole newsgroup devoted tennis showing
     it after scarfing fork and laughters
[Posted in FML issue 1863]