Recently I submitted a request for help with my little girl, Slinkie who had
stopped eating and was having some other problems.  Good news, we took her
to the Vet.  and she found nothing wrong-we brought her home and she started
eating again and has kept it up for two days now.  Maybe she just needed a
day away from our young but demonized child Trucker(the 10 week old who lost
a tooth and torment slinkie night and day to play), or maybe she just needed
some attention.  We also know it could still be something else, something
much more serious.  So, we are still watching her carefully and talking with
the Vet. who was happy to get the info. on Heliobactor infection.  Seems
she had just been to a confrence on that topic but they never mentioned
ferrets, so now she is going to read that and check for those symptoms.
Thank you Mrs. Iroff and all the others who responded so quickly-it was a
big help.  By the way I am a subscriber now so you can just respond in the
FML but I would still love to hear from you guys any time at [log in to unmask]
                   Thanks Again,
                   Marvin, Pam, Trucker, & especially Slinkie
[Posted in FML issue 1862]