Ginger went for her second adrenal gland surgery on Friday, Feb.28th.
Everything turned out OK.  The vet debulked the gland and believes that the
right gland will now regenerate itself nicely.  Ginger was really out of it
on Friday after the surgery.  She did not want to eat anything, I was only
able to give her nutra-cal.  On Saturday, she ate some treats and cereal and
regained her energy.  She was able to climb out of her cage and come into my
bedroom to sleep with me.  Prior to reaching my bedroom she went into the
kitchen and proceeded to go through the trash and have lots of fun.  By
Sunday, she was eating her food as long as I hand feed her and on Monday she
was eating up a storm and pulling up my rug once again.  She is not on any
type of medications and the vet believes she will not need any.
I wanted to send a special thank you to everyone who e-mailed me with their
advice, questions, support, and prayers.  Everyone made an extremely hard
time for me a lot easier.  I am glad I went through with the surgery, but,
should this occur again, I think I am going to opt for the medication.  Two
surgeries are enough for one little ferret and me.  I also wanted to say
that if it were not for the FML, I would not know what to do with my little
fuzzies.  Bill, I am sure I am not alone when I say THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO.
Also, Bandit and Kirby sent me (Ginger) and my mom a get well soon card on
the web.  I wanted to send a special thank you and a how are you doing for
Kirby who was going to have a bump taken off his lip this past Friday.
Could Kirby's Dad please send my mom (Maria) his e-mail address so she can
also send her thanks.
Maria & Michael
Cinnamon (Can Ginger come out and play yet?)
Ginger (Look Mom, I'm better, and I really enjoy playing in the trash)
Randi (Just give me treats!!)
Scooby (Is Ginger better, Can I rough tackle her yet?)
[Posted in FML issue 1862]