Because folks have asked: it WAS a stroke.  We eliminated insulinomae as a
possibility when she started also having sycope episodes from her heart
disease.  Her pancreas is in just incredible shape -- pretty neat for an 8
and 1/2 year old, huh?
Also, the effects were unilateral, showing in the back and rear legs of her
right side, rather than being bilateral as bouts of hypoglycemia are.  It
was a VERY clear stroke.  We have been through hypoglycemia before -- who
couldn't after around 15 years of many ferrets -- and if it had even
slightly looked like one sugars would have been tried, as they were with the
first bout of syncope.
This is NOT the first time she has thrown a clot from her heart disease
being so very advanced (Few ferrets can tolerate the levels of Furosemide
Meltdown has to use so she's alive WELL beyond when most would die.  Right
now she has 0.6 ml morning and night and 0.5 ml in the afternoon -- in
addition to her other things such as digoxin, enacard, Nusalt, etc.) Her
last clot wound up in the femoral artery but responded well to
anticoagulants and massage.
Our vet did a specialization in exotics at the Animal Medical Center.  He
VERY much knows what he is doing.
Fortunately, Meltdown has very little neurological damage from the stroke --
just a tiny, tiny bit of floppiness when she raises her right rear leg while
walking.  It's so much not an impediment that she broke into a gallop the
day after (something NOT good for her heart).
[Posted in FML issue 1887]