Hello Fellow Ferret Lovers:
It's been a long time since I've dropped in to say hello to everyone.
Condolences to those who have recently lost a precious ferretkid.  When a
furkid departs, they take a little part of your heart with them.
Katy and Sasha are Canadian ferrets eh.  They are gentle, sweet and kind,
showing no aggressive tendencies whatsoever.  These little kids "adopted"
Madeline when she was just a kitten and now are the best of furkid buddies.
Once in a while, Sasha decides he wants to stash Madeline and attempts to
drag her under the couch, making Madeline howl, but that's all in the name
of friendship, eh:) These ferkids are darlings, not a mean streak in either
of them.  Just thought I'd throw my two cents in, eh:)
Happy Easter to those of whom this applies!
Jean and her Canadian ferrets Katy and Sasha, and
Baxter the dog, and
Tiffany, Teca and Madeline the cats.
                           "Everything that lives
                              Lives not alone
                              Nor for itself"
                                    William Blake
[Posted in FML issue 1887]