Well its been awhile since I posted and to refresh you my little baby is
Merlyn and Merlyn LOVES to eat and dig the couch!  Well to make him happier
I gave him freedom to roam most of the house because I can't get him to stop
chewing and clawing the couch I would empty the squirt gun 3 times a day on
him so he finally decided when I squirt him he would just drink the water as
I squirted it (oh what a funny funny sight!) Anyway he has now decided to
eat carpet I now have holes in the carpet and i'm stumped!  Not in the same
place he picks random spots to dig and EAT the carpet and my carpet was new.
I keep his claws trimmed.  His 2nd problem he developed is diving head first
into his litter then sneezing up a storm then hes at it again, anyone know
why he would do this?  Should I change brands of litter?  His happiest
moments are going on car rides and trips to Saturday market.
This is a comment on collars I made a hemp collar with a bell and he loves
it, its strong and we have never had a problem with it.  Last but not least
I want to start a web page and put the little dooker on it, I don't know
much about starting a web page but do you use a color scanner place the
photos on your web page, and is there another way to scan the photo with out
buying a scanner (like a place of business)
Dulcena and Merlyn (You better run i'm gonna get your toes!)
P.S. Is there anyway I can find out if there are ferret events in WA or OR?
[Moderator's note: Subscribers often offer to scan ferret pictures for other
subscribers.  A list of ferret events last appeared in issue 1863.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1884]