My name is Kai.  I'm sable ferret living in Savannah Georgia.  I've seen the
country, and I want to tell you about my recent trip to Disney Wolrd.
It's easy to travel in Florida with your ferret.  All you need are your vet
papers and you can stay just about anywhere.  My mommy packed me in my
travel carrier in the front seat with my water and my food and we were on
our way.  I slept through most of the car ride.  Sometimes she rolled the
window down and I got some attention by sticking my head out the window.  In
fact, I got a lot of attention everywhere I went.  A man iin Orlando thought
I was so cute he took my picture!
All I needed to keep from getting lost was my new harness (4.50$) and a
brand new capsule my mommy bought at Pets Mart.  Unscrew it and there's a
slip of paper giving my name, address and phone number.  A lot fewer ferrets
would stay missing with this on their collar!
Mommy snuck me into the hotel, so I had a big new room to explore.  I played
a trick on her one night and slept in the box spring so she couldn't find
me.  Boy was she surprised when I came out to play at 4 in the morning!  But
what I really want to rave about is the kennels at the parks.  The Magic
Kingdom had a kennel right by the Ticket Center.  For six dollars I had a
big cage with water I couldn't spill and towels I could snorkle in.  When
the day was over, I got a certificate with my name on it that said I was a
very special guest!
Universal Studios boarded me for 5 dollars.  I didn't get a cage there, I
had to stay in my carrier, and I think the boarders were afraid of me!
Three dooks for the Orlando theme parks for realizing that we ferrets are
traveling pets too!
[Moderator's note: Reminds me we have to start planning the 10th anniversary
party near Disney World.  Hmm...maybe we should hold it in the kennel!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1884]