Greetings to the FML Family!
I am a new subscriber (actually returning, years ago I was here).  This
message is first an introduction of myself, my "kids," and my shelter.  For
those of you who just skim, I'll also post a response to JASPER's ownee and
the person looking for a good odor killer.
My name is Kymberlie Becker.  I am the founder/director of the Pennsylvania
Ferret Rescue Association, currently located in State College PA but soon
branching out to a new, second location in southeastern PA (the Boyertown
area).  I am owned and controlled by seven ferrets (Shadow, Koto, Ricky,
Sassy, Patches, Here Comes Trouble, and the newest, Slinky) and six cats (I
won't name them here since this isn't the Cat Mailing List!) I'm sooo proud
to say that my Slinky is the one who won Best Alter in Show at Ferret Expo
'97!!  Talk about being proud!  I have a note to anyone who believes that
Rescue and Shelter animals are somehow "less perfect" than those you
purchase as a baby.  Slinky is a 4.5 year old Rescue ferret who has been
passed from home to home all of his life.  When he came in, I took him to
the vet right away (as I do with all Rescues).  My vet commented that he
should have been named Stinky, not Slinky, due to the condition he was in!
He began to blossom shortly after he came to my Rescue last summer.  He has
the most soft & beautiful coat of any I have ever seen, and apparently the
judges at Expo saw the same things that I saw.  It's not where a ferret
comes from that makes him who he is; it's how he's treated and loved that
makes all of the difference.
Here's my pitch for my shelter; we rescue and adopt out ferrets, we do
grooming, boarding (short/long term), we give public appearances to educate,
we will take e-mail or phone questions from anyone, and we put out a
newsletter.  When we branch out to our second location, we will also start a
ferret club, so if you live near either location please e-mail me with your
interest in a club.  Sometime in the next week or so, we will also have our
web site up and ready for your perusal, I'll let you all know the address
when it's up.  If you are interested in our newsletter, it's called the
Pennsylvania Ferreter, it's 12 pages of news (including California
updates...just because we're from PA doesn't mean we don't care about the
plight of CA ferrets!), stories, health info, pictures, helpful hints, a
Ferret of the Month feature, the beloved Ask Shadow advice column, show
listings, etc... A one year subscription (six issues) is $20.00.  If you're
interested (or want a freebie to decide) e-mail me at
<[log in to unmask]>.  This is not just for Pennsylvanians, it's for
anyone who loves ferrets and wants some good info.
Now...about JASPER... my 5-year old, Shadow, is deaf.  He is still a very
vocal little dude, though!  We have this little trick going where at
bedtime, I stomp my foot on the floor to arouse him from sleep under my
cabinet (he's got a little *safe* cave down there).  The stomping works cuz
he can feel it.  He comes out, runs to the basement door (the shelter is set
up downstairs), doing the weasel war dance.  I open the door, and he BOLTS
down the steps at top speed, dooking and clucking the whole way down!  It's
a trip!  He hits the floor, does more of a dance, then runs into the "ferret
room", into his cage, up the ramp (dooking all the way), to the top level
where he waits for his daily prize of five raisins.  That's his reward for
going to bed without hassle.  So, yes, at least *my* deaf ferret is quite
Finally, about killing odors: I use a terrific product called Odor Digester.
I get it from State College Paper, a distributor here in State College.  At
the moment I don't know the manufacturer, but I'll get it, plus maybe I can
find other places to buy it.  It's for use anywhere, including in kennels.
I spray it in ferret cages, on the carpet, in my garbage cans and garbage
disposal, anywhere there's the threat of odor.  It's not a cover up, it's
bacteria-eating enzymes that literally destroy odor.  It even smells good.
Completely safe for use around animals!  E-mail me for more info, but I'll
try to post again when I get more details on where you can get it.
That's all for now...I promise future messages won't be so long!
Kymberlie Becker
P.S. Hi Mary McCarty...I'm here!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1884]