To Jill who posted (anonymously) a few days ago about her ferret's eye
Thor showed those same symptoms (eye watering, "squinting") before we
diagnosed him with the lens luxation.  He had one eye removed and has the
same problem in the other eye (except that the lens slipped to the rear, so
it's not up against the cornea).  He does just fine with limited sight.  As
many folks shared with me, ferrets really don't need their eyesight - they
get along great, even when/if blind.
We hardly even notice that he's "different".  And because of his
coloring/fur patterns, sometimes it's even hard to tell that he is missing
an eye!
I hope that your ferret's eye is okay.  And if it does need to be removed,
know that he'll get along just fine (and be in a lot less pain!).
Amy (and the 'butt bros - Odin, Thor, & Loki)
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[Posted in FML issue 1883]