Hello everyone I've been reading the FML for a while but this is my first
post.  My 4 year old MF male came down with Adrenal disease and has happily
had his right adrenal removed 3 weeks ago.  His hair is growing back
already.  My question is that he had a cist in his prostate that was drained
of 3ml (is that alot?) of fluid at his surgery.  He had been straining at
the litter box.  This condition went away after surgery.  Weve kept a close
eye on his potty habits.  He is going potty and does not seem to strain but
his penis is wet most of the time when I pick him up and sometimes he has
(forgive this crude remark) what looks like a bugger near his penis.  I
figure I'll just keep an eye on things for a couple of days and see how it
goes.  I checked the FAQ and it said that the way to treat the prostrate
problem is to deal with the disease.  Well weve done that.  Should I do
anything more than watch the potty activity?  Otherwise he is a greatly
-Dixie Carter
-Nickodemus -- Look maw hair is growwing.  Why do you always watch me
go potty?  Can't I have alittle privacy!
Mom- not a chance till your all better.
[Posted in FML issue 1882]