I am kinda new on here, I joined when I first got my little girl sable about
1 month ago.  i have posted about 3 times i think,but anyway, on with my
Yesterday, I went to the pet store in a mall here, and looked at the ferts.
They are ALL less than 5 weeks old, and in my poinion, that is too young to
sell.  Anyway, while I was standing there, I heard some funny things, and
something I kinda wondered about.  Just as a laguh, here are some of the
things I heard.
"Ewww, rats!"
"yeah, I heard they are real sweet, but you gotta watch em, I heard this
girl had one, and in the middle of the night, it chewed the end of her nose
"they are soooo mean, they shouldnt keep them in the store, where ppl can
pet them."
"yup, they are nocternal"
and I also heard some other things, that I can't remember now, but will tell
ya'll when i remember them.
Anyway, the thing i was wondering about is, the dryer hoses that everyone
has been talking about on here, that everyone is looking for, can cause a
weird reaction when the ferts pee on it.  It has some kind of chemical that
will react, and cause the ferret to not be able to breath.  I know that
their pee is evil, cause when i clean the litter box, the bottom always
smells like amonia.  (sp?) But the pet store here, (Houston area, TX)
carries tubes that are exactly like a dryer tube, but made especially for
ferrets.  pretty cool.  Anyway, guess thats all, Oh, one more thing, my
female ferret, is too rough with the little one, is there anything anyone
can suggest for this problem?
[Posted in FML issue 1881]