This is in response to Jennifer Montouri's inquiry regarding European Angora
I purchased an absolutely adorable little fellow last June.  He will be
celebrating his first birthday on April 5th.  Happy Birthday Wolfie.
Wolfie's breeder is from Sweeden, and he was shipped to the US by his
distributor Lars Erickson, Quality Ferrets.
Although they are beautiful, there are a few points to having them that I'd
like to share with you.
Coat Care:
Wolfie is brushed DAILY.  Especially in the wintertime because of the length
of his hair, 1 1/2 inches.  Ths is to keep his coat from matting.  I use
Lambert Kay Ever Gentle slicker brush and a shedding comb to keep the coat
mat free.  Even with all that brushing, he still has gotten mats under his
armpits and around his anal area.  The anal area also is cleaned daily.
With all that hair, the stools sometimes get stuck and he needs cleaning.
For my other fuzzies, (4) (American Shorthairs), I use a soft bristle cat
brush.  Note: If you do use a wire slicker brush, be careful not to hurt
their skin.
Ears & Nails: Along with my other fuzzies, they are done weekly.
Fur Balls:
I've seriously considered taking out stock in the company that makes
Laxatone.  Wolfie is given Laxatone at least every other day when he is
shedding to help him pass furballs.  I've also started giving the others
Laxatone more frequently because they help to "groom" him.  I also keep a
close eye on stools for hair and also for looseness.  You don't want to over
do it with the Laxatone.
Wolfie was neutered before he was shipped.  I got him at 8 weeks of age.  If
I had the choice, I would have liked to have waited till he became mature
and then neutered him.  He also came "descented", his anal glands were
removed.  Again, personally, I would have preferred to have kept the anal
glands intact.
Teeth: Wolfie for some reason has a "garbage mouth".  His teeth are magnets
to tarter.  I scale his teeth as needed and his teeth are brushed.  I have
spoken with other Angora owners that I know in the Boston area and their
ferrets teeth are fine so I guess its just him.
Appetite: He is a big eater and drinks at least 16 ounces of water a day.
I've spoken with other Angora owners and they have commented to me that they
seem to have a larger appetite than their others.
Wolfie was a normal baby, played and dooked around with my others was taught
not to nip.  I noticed nothing different from him except the hair, size and
also the hairy nose.
My best advice to you or anyone else considering one of these Angoras is
that extra time will be needed for grooming care.  Train them right from day
one to stay still for their grooming.  I started right away with this guy
and am very lucky that he is good for me actually, he likes being brushed.
Also, find out as much as you can about them by talking with other Angora
owners and see if you can talk to the breeder directly.
 Sharon Burbine &
Chi Chi, Lebby, Amber Rose, Sheba, and Wolfie
[Posted in FML issue 1881]