Has anyone used invisible fencing indoors for ferrets?  I'm considering this
possibility so I won't need to set up physical barricades in certain areas
of the house when the fuzzies are out.  I looked on the net, and it is used
indoors for cats and dogs.  Apparently it can be used, for example to keep
them away from a couch (!), or out of 'forbidden' rooms.  I was concerned
about the amount of charge used for the 'correction', the info says it's
about the strength of a static charge, so it should be safe for fuzzies.
The other issues I need to check on are the weight of the collar (might be
ok, one site said it was used on dogs of 'all sizes)', and how well ferrets
can be trained to them.  (I'm wondering too, if they would make extra
efforts to remove the 'offending' collar!) Any info would be appreciated.
[Posted in FML issue 1881]