I just noticed that there was an answer about bringing Canadian ferrets into
the us and have to back it up Almost Exactly 1 yr ago we went up to Thunder
Bay for a mini vacation we had left our 4 at the time at home because we
weren't sure if we could have animals in the motels and crossing the border.
Well to make a long story short we left with a suovenir(sp) of a ferret we
had no problem went through customs he asked if we bnought anything and I
held up our little Polar Bear we had his shot record he was only 6 wks and
we were worried about that only having distemper they just had us come in so
they could check it throughly and see Bear and they let us go quickly and
easily.  So the next time we go up we're goingt o take them with since we
checked with the hotel we stayed at and liked wheter or not we could have
them and how much they said bring them on they seemed excited about our
ferts we had pics of them with us at the time.
sorry that got a little long
Shanon, Mitch, Callie (cat), Kerowac (iguana), Brambles and Rose (hedgehogs),
and last but not least The Den of Thieves (ferrets-Switch, Smokey, Blaize,
Tamara, Polar Bear, Diablo, Chiquita, Prancer, Angel, Critter, Chevy, Sunny,
Red, Cupid Cuddles and Puddles) and one Foster ferret Bandit
[Posted in FML issue 1881]