I'm so glad to be back - I've missed all you folks.  I've had good news and
sad news while I've been gone, but on to the good news!
The Calgary Ferret Club is getting more calls than I have had in the past
year.  Lots of them are from vet referrals, some from web pages (thank you
thank you - you know who you are), and STAR* Ferrets.  I've even had a
referral from the local Reptile Society!  If you're in the area and are
interested, be sure and contact me at either the e-mail above, or
[log in to unmask]  We want to have a spring celebration BBQ or
Ferret Walk, and all are welcome.
As usual, we have more folks wanting to adopt than are ferrets available,
the SPCA can't keep the little devils in adoption for more than a few hours!
Good news, eh?  If you are or know of any breeders in Alberta, drop me a
line.  We'd really love to get a database going here.  I know there is one
in Ft.  McMurray, but I'll be devilled trying to find that darn piece of
paper I wrote it on.  I know I saw it just last week... >:(
On a sadder note, I lost my little Onyx Feb 11th.  We're now at 2 ferrets, 2
cats.  Unfortunately, the two ferrets aren't the best of buds.  Buddy shakes
in fear every time Nreese goes near him, but he does fight back.  They don't
hurt each other, but I am glad my condo has two stories - they share the
space equally ... ;-)
Hug your fuzzies for me!
Monica, the Dynamic Duo and Kitty Krew
[Posted in FML issue 1881]