>Maybe we are writing to the wrong place.....
>The FCC would be a good place to write..  with a COPY for the station.  They
>are EXTREMELY sensitive around license renewal time.  Generally, only a tiny
>number of letters reach the FCC when the station is up for renewal, we have
>the power to exceed all past records... Alex and his boss would need fresh
>litter.  The keyword is public [dis]service.
The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is only interested in hearing
from the general public IF the station in question is not following FCC
guidelines or government guidelines for community standards.
To my knowledge, no US radio or television station has ever lost its license
because of broadcast content.  Not even Howard Stern's station had its
license revoked...fined yes, revoked no.  Too much money is involved
now-a-days in the ownership of a frequency allocation...the FCC wouldn't
dare attempt to step on a frequency holder's toes...the lawsuits would
dominate the Supreme Court for years to come!
The best thing listeners/ferret conscience folk can do is write the station
itself...inundate them with letters..(Not email..too easily erased and
forgotten...letters hang around much longer....) Bombard them with letters
of indignation and demands to voice a ferret's side of the issue.  Protest
the labeling of a ferret as a chicken killer, etc.  Do it daily, weekly and
monthly.  Never let the station forget they made a boo-boo!  <GRIN>
Remember..the squeeky wheel gets the grease!
[Posted in FML issue 1860]