Hi everyone!
I am sooooo proud of my Molly!  She *finally* learned how to roll over like
her brother Pepper!!!!!!!!I had given up hope that she would!!!  Not that
she's not as smart as him, but that attitude of hers!!!!
It's been two years since Pepper came to live with us and we love him so
much!!!!  He's such a sweatheart!  It was difficult for his first mom to let
him go.  As she was walking out the door, I felt bad for her and even told
her if she changed her mind to let us know.  Well, it didn't take long for
use to fall in love with him!  Now we wouldn't trade him for a million
dollars!!!!  And he's been such a good influence on Molly.  She calmed down
and became more affectionate after he moved in.  They're soooo cute
My only question is, if they can learn to roll over, how come they can't
figure out not to go poop and pee on the floor.  They can be so good for
weeks.  Then all of a sudden it seems like the only place they won't go is
the litter pan!  And it takes vigilence to catch them and reprimand them
enough times to get it through their fert brain not to do that anymore!  Or
maybe they like the extra attention!  We certainly can't stay mad at them
for long!
Molly-->Three years old with attitude!
Pepper-->A lover and a snuggler!
[Posted in FML issue 1860]