Ray is a nut case.  This morning I was eating breakfast and glanced over a
Ray.  He was lying in his hammock with Muffie and Lenny.  Ray was over
halfway out, however , trying to drink from the water bottle.  He seemed to
be having trouble getting water out of it - kept chewing on the end of the
pipe; so I found an empty bowl, filled it with water, and set it in his cage.
Ray, rather than getting up, leaned even further over the edge of the
hammock.  I mean he was so far over and stretched out so far that he looked
like a hairy snake with ears.  He finally got his face close enough and just
started drinking when Muffie rolled over.  That sent the already unbalanced
Ray off the hammock and head first into the water bowl.  Body followed head
and he ended up half submerged, with most of the water splashing into the
lower levels of their cage.  An instant later, one very wet Ray erupted out
of the bowl and bounded about the cage ready to defend himself from any
further unprovoked sneak attacks.  He looked rather comical when he realized
that no one else was there.
I'm beginning to think that I'm going to have to write on his papers when
those three are adopted "CAUTION, RAY IS A NUT CASE."
     Dick B.
[Posted in FML issue 1879]