I would also like to write and thank all the FML for the good thoughts and
prayers in the return of my friend Tony.  Little stinker!  If only he knew!
Wanted to tell everyone about one of mines new hobby.  The kitchen is off
limits to the ferrets here..  unless I am right in the middle supervising
everything.  Well after they knocked down the baracade for the 100th time
tonight I decided to let them run around... Tippi and CJ teamed up and left
Razz lookin around... So he got bored and came to me to play..  He was
having a ball running up and jumping in my lap then turning around and
runnin across the floor... But that sounds so easy... after leaving my lap
he would TRY to get some traction on the floor and end up pealing out and
floppin all around... to cute...
FINALLY got Tippi to try ferretone... I was getting sick of her lookin at me
goin whats this stuff so just got her face and stuck her nose in the spoon..
After taking a lick she decided it was good and wanted more..  Silly brat!
I am still wating for a ferret to come in to the new shelter here...I just
can't stand it... but I am remaing patient because I don't want to get the
1st one they get and have it be a bitter or something bad.
And have to mention CJ... she has gotten much bettter on the nipping
thing... with the new ones... when she nips she gets time out and HATES it!
Cause they are out and she aint!  She just sits and pouts!  Its so hard
keepin her there.  She also has me trained where she wants her litter box
now..  so her it hate is 99%!!!  YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just realised... I am excited that my ferret is dumpin in her box!  GESH!
It takes so little.
Better get goin yall... Thanks again for all the help!  I always know the
FML is there for me!  Thanks for all the nice mail I got too! and BIG for
makin sure the letter got seen.
  God Bless,
  Austin and the Texas Trio!
    CJ < ok dad.. its just poop... see I can make more if ya want!>
   Tippi < hmmm not bad not bad.. give me more of this juice!>
   RZZ < must get traction... must run.. faster faster,,, hmm I aint
goin no where! >
 "Ain't ain't I word and I ain't gonna say it! "  <---- I found me a
[Posted in FML issue 1878]