Recommendation for the missing ferret: You might try putting up fliers a
little further afield in public places, like the closest 7-11, grocery store
and gas stations.  Ferrets can sometimes travel pretty far then head for the
nearest people.  Maybe someone will see the ad.  I forget if you posted in
the paper in case someone in a car took him.  ALSO use a squeeky toy around
the neighborhood, squeek squeek, listen for scratching in case he's stuck
somewhere.  ALSO recheck your house very thoroughly.  Pull out every drawer
and look behind it, look in everything including behind and in things.  Good
Vet in Albuquque: Try Dr. Chris Monroe at Edgewood Animal Clinic, she used
to be my vet here in MI and has her own ferret Cowboy.  As a matter of fact
she called about a month ago to get instructions on how to get on FML.  I
haven't seen her post so maybe she hasn't figured it out yet?  You could
give her a hand:)
Midwest Ferret Playpens.  I modified mine with two floors as well.  Not
being very handy I did my best.  I measured then had plywood cut to fit
through the doors, 3 pieces for a complete floor, 2 pieces for a 2/3 upper
floor, hammock hanging over the ramp.  I then stapled gunned plastic carpet
runner to the individual pieces in case of an accident, then cut a piece of
carpet to fit the whole thing, rolled it up and fit it through the doors.  I
hung the wood pieces with those L shaped metal hangers with one screw
through each end of the L although I have seen similar set ups using a hook
with a screw on the end.  The first complete wood floor I had to cut a hole
for the ramp which was the trickiest part.  If you think about it those two
little plastic shelves dont really add up to much extra room for playing.
With food and litter on the bottom floor the whole cage without flooring is
just a lot of wasted space.  The only other thing I dont like is the cage is
heavy and awkward to lift out of the plastic bottom which is hard to clean
because of the way the caging sits in it.  I wish they would sit the cage
part up in a groove in the plastic "lip" or something so you can just reach
in a swab it out.  Anyone know how to contact them?
Nilla Wafers - a HUGE favorite of my two!  They know the box and Boris will
fight me for'em!
Harmonica's: Giesela hates the noise of squeeky toys, the vacuum cleaner
(she's not scared of it I think the whine of the motor bothers her) and when
I was playing Bob Dylan she didn't seem to like the harmonica at all!  I
think some ferrets are sensitive to high pitched noises to the point they go
nuts.  The only time Giesela bit me was when I couldn't find Boris and was
trying to squeek him out while I had picked her up cuz she was going crazy.
Mr Davis - lets hope this good news travels FAST!  I've heard a rumor that
the Director of Public Health in MI is not fond of ferrets so I think it
will take something official from up on high to get anything to change here.
Enough for now.  Thoughts and prayers for all sick and missing fuzzies out
Mary, Boris and Giesela
[Posted in FML issue 1834]