Dear FML
Please post to everyone especially people who list Brewer's list in their
recipes because it contains chromium and is essential for ferrets with
insuminoma.  I bought my Brewer's yeast at GNC (highly reputable supplier ),
it is debittered and it is a brown pwd.  substance like I have known
Brewer's yeast to be for years for human consumption.  I have a ferret with
insulinoma and have passed on recipes with Brewer's yeast as an essential to
sprinkle on each serving or put in recipe for ferrets in general BUT
especially for ferrets with insulinoma.  LAST NIGHT I was reading the
ingredient label of my Brewer's yeast carton, and chromium is NOT LISTED.
HELP!  Does it or doesn't it.  This is in the interest to millions of
Janice and the 7 little dwarfs in the land of OZ.  (that's Kansas for those
of you who are not acquainted with Dorothy and Toto!)
Thanks in advance.  I am feeling pretty stupid and ignorant this am.  Please
help me to feel better and informed.
[Posted in FML issue 1847]